Arkansas Hunting Leases can participate in the Deer Management Assistance Program

The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AG&FC) Deer Program manages the statewide whitetail deer (WTD) herd using the Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP). This program is a 4 leveled
approach that includes levels ranging from Depredation Management which is WTD density control, to
Healthy Deer Management, which includes maintaining the WTD herd below carrying capacity, to
Quality Deer Management which involves a more intense doe harvest and allowing bucks to reach at
least 3.5 years of age, and finally Intensive Deer Management where buck harvest is selective and needs to reach a minimum of 4.5 years and doe harvest is high.

There is an application deadline to join DMAP and a deadline to turn in WTD harvest data after the
season. Data collected under DMAP is used to develop site specific harvest recommendations and to put participating hunt clubs in a better position to manage their lands for a healthy WTD herd, while
maintaining high quality WTD habitat.

The requirement to join DMAP with the AG&FC is simple. The property must be at least 500 contiguous
acres or multiple smaller landowners or hunt leases can combine properties to reach the 500 acre
minimum. These hunt lease can form a coop if all parties are in agreeance.

How much does DMAP cost? There appears to be no cost to participate in the Arkansas DMAP program. Data collection by each hunt club and turned in to the assigned AG&FC wildlife biologist annually would be the payment. Data collection includes jawbones from each WTD harvested, WTD weight, doe lactation, and buck antler measurements. This biological data is to be collected by hunting clubs participating in DMAP levels 1, 2 or 3. But DMAP level 1A clubs are not required to collect these data, it is highly encouraged.

There are many benefits to participating in the DMAP program with the AG&FC. This includes improved hunt quality and healthier deer populations to name a few.

If you’re interested in leasing land in Arkansas, contact our regional Wildlife Biologist, David Graves at
(318) 464-2744 or email him at If you want to take WTD management to
the next level and you think the DMAP program may be right for your Arkansas hunt lease, go to:
program/ for more information.