by Jeff Bewsher | Dec 7, 2021 | Uncategorized
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is quite a hot topic in the deer hunting world lately and should not be taken lightly. With numerous cases creeping outwards, the southern states are attempting to take as many preventative cautions as possible to keep this fatal disease...
by Jeff Bewsher | Nov 6, 2020 | Uncategorized
The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Department (LWFD) – Deer Program manages the statewide whitetail deer (WTD) herd using the Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP). This program is a 4-tiered approach where each tier will include various levels of WTD...
by Jeff Bewsher | Nov 6, 2020 | Uncategorized
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AG&FC) Deer Program manages the statewide whitetail deer (WTD) herd using the Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP). This program is a 4 leveled approach that includes levels ranging from Depredation Management which is...
by Jeff Bewsher | Oct 29, 2020 | Uncategorized
The Mississippi Department of Wildlife Fisheries and Parks (MDWFP) Deer Program manages the statewide whitetail deer (WTD) herd using the Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP). This program includes data collection from hunter harvested WTD and education of hunt...