Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) In The South
With numerous cases of CWD emerging, the southern states are attempting to take as many preventative cautions as possible to keep this disease at bay.

Where to Hunt in Georgia?
Many folks migrate to Georgia during the fall to chase White-tailed Deer (WTD). So much so,
that it had the nation’s sixth-highest number of license holders in 2018. Most of the state is known for
quality soils optimal for commercial agriculture. With that, deer have access to high-quality forage ideal
for growing large bodies and antlers.

Louisiana Hunting Leases can participate in the Deer Management Assistance Program
The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Department (LWFD) – Deer Program manages the statewide
whitetail deer (WTD) herd using the Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP).

Arkansas Hunting Leases can participate in the Deer Management Assistance Program
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AG&FC) Deer Program manages the statewide whitetail deer
(WTD) herd using the Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP). This program is a 4 leveled
approach that includes levels ranging from Depredation Management which is WTD density control to
Healthy Deer Management.

Mississippi Hunting Leases Can Participate in the Deer Management Assistance Program
The Mississippi Department of Wildlife Fisheries and Parks (MDWFP) Deer Program manages the
statewide whitetail deer (WTD) herd using the Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP). This
program includes data collection from hunter harvested WTD and education of hunt club members who are actively participating.

Alabama hunting leases now can hunt over bait
The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) now offers a bait privilege license to hunters on privately owned or leased lands as of April 2019. This allows the license holder of any age to hunt white-tailed deer and feral hogs with the aid of bait within the state.

Florida hunting leases have access to the FWC Private Lands Deer Management Program
The Florida FWC offers a program to hunting leases and hunt clubs that provide greater flexibility in herd and harvest management and promotes habitat conservation and hunting heritage efforts. The voluntary Private Lands Deer Management Program was developed to allow greater flexibility in deer hunting seasons and deer harvest opportunities within sustainable herd management goals for individual properties.

Why hunt club and deer management lead to bigger bucks
The hardest component for growing mature deer is hunter management and there is a strong correlation between organized hunt clubs and healthy deer herds.

Hunting Land Security Pt 1: Boundaries and Gates
A little time spent preventing illegal activities on your hunting land will save you time and headaches later. Find out how boundaries and gates can help.

Everything You Need to Know About the Louisiana Pine Snake
The Louisiana pine snake is a non-venomous constrictor. It is large, 4-5 feet long and pale tan in color with a row of large black or brown blotches.